Good v Evil

As we gofurther along into Trump’s Presidency, and closer to his 2020 win, the left are getting scared. Scared people do desperate things.

They’re creating events for optics, and further their war on Trump and their war on PATRIOTS. Do not be mistaken, this is a war on God.

If THEY had their way

If leftist had their way we’d never have any access to information or fact.

Ask yourself why the left wants to lay blame at the feet of the blameless. THEY want you to blindly accept their version of things, so they can further their plan.

A plan to end your rights.

I choose God

Use caution patriots. Do not be complacent. We are at war.

This is a war of words. A war that’s being played out online, on social media. Leftists flex their silicon valley corporate muscles and censor conservatives. They’ve waged war upon us throwing distortions and lies.

Arm yourselves first with the word of God, and next with additional facts and truth, and an awareness of your rights.

Be prepared to defend those rights, even if you think they may be meaningless to you individually. Because once those rights are gone, there’s no getting them back

Do not be mistaken patriots. This is not a left v right, Republican v Democrat fight. This is simply GOOD v EVIL. This is literally God v Satan.

We are each here now in this time to be a part of this, because we have an important role to play.

We need to be an active participant. We cannot go back to sleep. We cannot stop looking because what we witness is too horrific. The true horrors haven’t really been shown yet. Brace yourselves because you may need to be a strength to others, as they learn shocking truths for the first time and are in need of guidance.

THOSE who oppose us have chosen evil. They have sold their souls. They’ve turned a blind eye to all the evils that are taking place and they too are guilty of these evil crimes.

I’ve chosen God and good. I’ve repented and I’ve repeatedly thanked the Lord for his grace and for my forgiveness, as I know I’m not worthy… but I’m so thankful.

Stay safe. 🙏 And God bless us all.

WWG1WGA @JustMy_NameHere

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